Associate Partnership – A Relationship Building Marketing Outreach Program

Becoming a BRA Associate Partner not only pledges your support to this important non-profit organization, it enables you to establish trusting relationships with our Retail Membership and to benefit from a proven, highly effective multi-channel marketing program that reaches thousands of board specialty retailers throughout the USA including Alaska and Hawaii.
This Partnership Program will benefit four distinct categories of Members including:
- Vendor Partners;
- Brand Partners;
- Trade Show Partners; and
- Community Partners
Rather than delineate the levels of the above categories of Members with precious metals or gemstones and cookie cutter marketing benefits, our unique Partnership Programs can be customized for those spanning a wide range of budgets and seeking real working relationships with our Members.
The four highly customizable Partner Levels are as follows:
- Principal Supporting Partners;
- Major Supporting Partners;
- Supporting Partners; and
- Community Partners
We are seeking to identify and connect with Vendors, Brands, Trade Shows, and members of the Action Sports Community that have the capacity to provide our entire membership with impeccable service or outstanding products at competitive pricing and that truly care about the health and well-being of the Board Sports Retailer and Lifestyle.
We also offer shorter term Associate Partnership opportunities in the form of BRA Supporting Event Partnerships specifically related to Regional Retailer Roundtables & Other Epic Events and Industry Trade Shows such as Surf Expo
In summary, being a Brand Partner, Vendor Partner or Community Partner of any level offers you:
Targeted Outreach
Your brand message heard loud and clear by our members as well as board specialty retailers in all 50 states that have yet to officially sign up for Membership through targeted marketing efforts.
Insider Industry Knowledge
Invaluable information to help you break into the board specialty retail market.
Recognition by a Captive Audience
The attention of loyal, core retailers in every region of the country who will notice your genuine support of BRA, which will make the decision to utilize your services or order your products that much easier to justify.
To customize a Vendor Partnership, Brand Partnership or Community Partnership to meet your specific goals and budget contact Doug Works at 760-500-5716 or [email protected]

The following list elaborates on examples of benefits that we may be able to incorporate into your customized Partnership Package pending level of contribution:
We will post relevant, easy-to-read articles or advertorials containing images, words, and embedded videos submitted by you in the “News and Resourceful Articles” section (landing page) of the BRA website.
Logo and Web Link
BRA’s website offers thousands of impressions each month. We’ll insert your logo and web link to your site (or link to a recent advertorial in the “News and Resourceful Articles” section of the BRA website) as a banner ad in the “Retail Member Benefits” section of the BRA website.
Service Listing in Summary of Benefits
We’ll promote your products or services in our current Summary of Supporting Vendor Partner Benefits for BRA Retail Partners with your logo, description, and special offering. Have a special deal or exclusive offering that you want to provide to BRA Retail Members? We will highlight it in the outstanding marketing piece which is attached to nearly every outbound email correspondence with existing and potential BRA Retail Members.
Personal Referrals
We’ll also communicate your scope of services, special deals, and exclusive offerings in verbal, text, and email communications between the Executive Director and Retail Members. The Executive Director typically connects directly with hundreds of existing and future retail members every month.
Newsletter Ad
We’ll include your ad in one or more of the BRA Newsletters which are sent electronically to our robust database of approximately 5,000 unique recipients quarterly.
Targeted Emails
We’ll send out a branded, targeted email to our members as well as other board specialty retailers in all 50 states that have yet to officially sign up for Membership on your behalf. You provide copy and graphics; we can even provide complete open and click-through statistics reporting.
Trade Show Marketing
Send us printed marketing materials and branded giveaways that you’d like to have in the hands of specialty retailers who we meet at trade shows. We’ll be happy to distribute your materials and giveaways in our BRA booth space, as well as at BRA breakfasts, BRA gatherings, and BRA-curated Learning Labs at these remarkable shows, which are frequented by retailers from all over the country from show opening to closing each day.
Retailer Roundtable and Special Event Marketing*
Send us printed marketing materials and branded giveaways that you’d like to have available to retailers who attend BRA Regional Retailer Roundtables and other non-trade show-related BRA special events. We’ll be happy to distribute your materials and branded giveaways in conspicuous locations at these types of events. We will also make you aware of upcoming event sponsorship opportunities including naming rights, speaking opportunities and more that could complement your Partnership significantly.
Social Media Exposure
Your content will be conveyed across BRA Social Media Channels including Facebook, Instagram (Feed & Stories), and Linked-In (Company & Group) to thousands of specialty retailers.
We will promote and post co-branded live and on-demand webinars on the BRA website and promote through targeted emails to create additional awareness.
* = available for Major or Principle Supporting Partnership Levels only

Supporting us as a BRA Supporting Vendor Partner will put you in the club with these relevant and resourceful companies:
Please contact Doug Works at 760-500-5716 or [email protected] with any questions or to discuss customizing a Vendor Partnership, Brand Partnership, or Community Partnership to meet your specific marketing goals and budget.