Wow! First and foremost I want to give a major shout out to everyone involved in making this possible: Tyrone Olson, Shuriken Shannon, Brandon Turner, Alfonso Huey, Zack Dowdy, Khalid Alexander, Xpress it, and the San Diego skateboard community. What a great success! We came together to spread our messages and bring awareness to the issues that have needed attention for far too long: Racism, white supremacy, police reform, police brutality, equality, human rights and justice for all! We had an amazing turn out and we couldn’t be more grateful to everyone for keeping it peaceful and organized. Huge thank you to all that donated and to all of our volunteers, on the frontlines or in the background. Without everyone’s help and cooperation none of this would have been possible. Once again to the San Diego skateboard community, this is just the beginning, we have a lot of work to do. Let’s educate ourselves on every platform in order to attack the issues at hand and be able to make an effective change that will last for generations to come.—Tommy Sandoval
The Rolling for Rights movement event we were all a part of in San Diego was epic to say the least. I believe we got our message across as skateboarders representing our city for the Black Lives Matter movement and justice for all. SD showed up for a peaceful protest with no violence and no vandalism. I’d like to thank everyone who was able to make it out to hear our stories and voices to unite as one. This doesn’t end here… One love.—Brandon Turner
A day to be remembered—as I thank our diverse skateboard community that came together in support of the Black Lives Matter movement. To bring unity, equality, the end of systematic racism and police brutality in our country. Skaters from young to old of all races peacefully protesting through the streets of downtown San Diego. Making our voices heard in our own way. Skateboarding. It was a beautiful sight to see and take part in as we live in a very sensitive time. For us coming together to show the world and express our support for one another as our skate community brings together all walks of life. Eliminating of all things, prejudice. For us to get a clear understanding of each other, bringing knowledge and awareness to the situations of injustice for people of color in our country. To bringing an everlasting change to how we live in this world. We want to create better surroundings for us and our youth in this world and industries, to not have inequalities based on our skin color. As I and many other people of color have had to be aware of our surroundings at all times as we can be the next victim of racism and police brutality with every breath we take. Skateboarding to us is used as a tool of unity and equality without prejudice. Seeing what we saw, not just on this day, but everyday after, teaches us the great understanding as even just a skateboarder, we’re all human beings, and we can come together and stand up for what’s right no matter what color you are. We shouldn’t keep quiet. We will push to continue the change around us, for what I feel is our right to teach and bring knowledge to those with less of an understanding of what the problem is. Thank you to everyone involved again. Keep rolling for yourself. Keep rolling for rights. One love.—Shuriken Shannon
Photos by Jaime Owens and Blair Alley

The meet up in Balboa Park.


One of the hosts, Brandon Turner.

Suga Bear!

Thugz Mansion. Learn about it.

Tyrone Olson and Rod James.

Tommy Sandoval, Danny Goycoolea, and T-Bone.

Lefty and his Pops!

Speeches took place in the park before the roll out.

Time to hit the streets!

The same streets made famous by Kien Lieu in Seven Steps to Heaven, Bankers Hill, San Diego.

Deviating from the original map, the mob heads down Fifth Ave.

West to Harbor Blvd!

Tyrone in the mix.

Nick Patrick and Cameron McIntosh.

The site of ASRs past.

Tantrum’s Jordan Thrower!


Andy Mack.

Pull up session on the seven stair.

Nook, P, and D-Dubs.

Shuriken Shannon, one of the hosts and organizers.

Lenny’s out!

Band rocking it at the final destination.

Marcelle Johnson!

Tommy hits the kicker. Needed an extra ply there.

619 Chair Man hit it!

Crowd went ballistic!

Damn right!

Just beautiful.

Andy and Nick.

Shuriken and Zack Mack.
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