Below you will find helpful and relevant articles that we carefully curate for the benefit of our B.R.A. Retail Members almost every day. Be sure to scroll through the most recent article or use the Search/Lookup feature to find topics and keywords related to articles that may help you to lower costs, increase margins or create more remarkable customer experiences.

“7 Ways to Upgrade Your Retail Store Without Moving” by Bob Phibbs via The Retail Doctor Blog

“7 Ways to Upgrade Your Retail Store Without Moving” by Bob Phibbs via The Retail Doctor Blog

I’ve seen a common misconception in my experience with retail transformations, including recent showroom makeovers with an outdoor power equipment store, a window fashions retailer, and a beverage store chain. Retailers often think they need a complete...

“Office Depot Exclusive BRA Member Savings Program now available for all BRA Regular (no cost) and all BRA Distinguished Retail Members plus video elaborating on this outstanding Member Benefit” by Doug Works, BRA Executive Director

The Mission of Board Retailers Association is to consolidate the voices, the experiences and the visions of Board Specialty Retailers into a cohesive organization. We do this by identifying ways to lower day to day expenses, to increase profit margins and to create...
“Summer Action Steps That Prep Retailers for a Holiday Blizzard of Sales” by Bob Phibbs via the Retail Doctor Blog

“Summer Action Steps That Prep Retailers for a Holiday Blizzard of Sales” by Bob Phibbs via the Retail Doctor Blog

Christmas in July. We’ve all heard the phrase as a marketing slogan, but Planning Ahead for Successful Holidays is a better concept. By strategizing early, you can ensure your store is prepared to meet customer demands, optimize inventory, and create memorable...
“Foot Locker’s new loyalty program lets shoppers redeem points for cash, sneaker access” by Cara Salpini via Retail Dive

“Foot Locker’s new loyalty program lets shoppers redeem points for cash, sneaker access” by Cara Salpini via Retail Dive

The Sneaker Hub in Foot Locker’s new store concept is a space where shoppers can customize the laces of their new shoes, pick up online orders or sign up for the loyalty program. Courtesy of Foot Locker, Inc. A new mobile app will join the refreshed FLX Rewards...