“Paul Kobriger—Skateboard Lifer, Artist, and Sixes and Sevens (BRA Retail Member) Shop Owner” by Blair Alley via TWS

“Paul Kobriger—Skateboard Lifer, Artist, and Sixes and Sevens (BRA Retail Member) Shop Owner” by Blair Alley via TWS

Screen shot from YouTube video

New episode of CORE shows the talent and dedication of one of skateboarding’s most dedicated skateshop owners

You ought to know Paul Kobriger from his many years of working in the skateboard industry. From TransWorld to CCS to Sun Diego and many more—everywhere he worked he made better. And if you’ve ever skated with him, he probably blew your mind.

Present day Paul runs point on Sixes and Sevens two locations in San Diego county and is taking the art and music scene by storm with his impressive photo-realistic portraits and handmade frames. Check his whole story out below:

Push play to view this video produced by the always-talented Collin Schwartz

“Over 2,000 miles away and 36 years later, Paul Kobriger remains, at heart, a skateboard lifer dedicated to keeping his childhood dream alive. His journey began in Shawano, Wisconsin, where he was introduced to skateboarding and punk rock at age eleven—an influential combination that remains with him today. The decision to move across the country to San Diego, California, right after high school was a gamble. However, Paul arrived at the right moment, connected with the right people in skateboarding, and launched a deep career in the industry. His early beginnings started with leading Sun Diego and CCS marketing efforts and assembling teams with Wes Kremer, Tyler Surrey, Marius Syvänen, Silas Baxter-Neal, Torrey Pudwill, and Ryan Sheckler just to name a few. However, in the wake of the economic recession led to the end of CCS but a new chapter at TransWorld SKATEboarding. Being surrounded by creative people during his time at TWS sparked a hidden talent he’s always had and revealed his gifted ability at drawing. After working for numerous brands in the skateboard industry, Paul uses his years of experience to start something he can fully control. Thus, Sixes and Sevens skate shop is birthed and blends together Paul’s love for skateboarding, music, and art. Learn all the details of Paul’s path in skateboarding, the skaters he’s brought up, the people he’s met along the way, and the space created to give back to skateboarding in our latest CORE video above.”

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