Words by Stab. Photos by Ryan Miller
It’s a pleasure each time we set out to film the Electric Acid Surfboard Test, pairing surfers with unfamiliar shapers and foreign models, and patiently waiting for unexpected results.
Today we’d like to take the time to introduce you to the craftsmen behind the vibrant quiver we sent with Mason and Coco Ho. The brother-sister duo cycled through twenty-five surfboards during a two-week stint in Southern Mexico, and we filmed every last second.
Here is this years mixed bag Electric Acid Surfboard Test roster:
Album Surfboards / Matt Parker
Panda Surfboards / Blake Peters
Pyzel Surfboards / Jon Pyzel
Channel Islands / Britt Merrick
…Lost Surfboards / Matt “Mayhem” Biolos
Thomas Surfboards / Thomas Bexon
Dark Arts / Justin Tiernes
Pukas Surfboards / Axel Lorentz
Dead Kooks / Eden Saul
Morning Of The Earth / Simon Jones
JS Surfboards / Jason Stevenson
Rusty Surfboards / Rusty Priesendorfer
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