Below you will find helpful and relevant articles that we carefully curate for the benefit of our B.R.A. Retail Members almost every day. Be sure to scroll through the most recent article or use the Search/Lookup feature to find topics and keywords related to articles that may help you to lower costs, increase margins or create more remarkable customer experiences.

“Relationships vs. Transactions and the Future of Email” by Jon Stamell via Total Retail

“Relationships vs. Transactions and the Future of Email” by Jon Stamell via Total Retail

Credit: Jon Stamell Do you know how many emails are sent every day around the world? I ask people that all the time and I get some surprising answers. I’ve heard 10 million, 100 million and up to a billion. The answer is that in 2024, people around the world will send...
“Retail Holiday Sales: How to Sell to Men and Help Them Buy Like Heroes” by Bob Phibbs via The Retail Doctor Blog

“Retail Holiday Sales: How to Sell to Men and Help Them Buy Like Heroes” by Bob Phibbs via The Retail Doctor Blog

As a retailer, I loved the day before Christmas Eve. All the planners had purchased, and the after-Christmas sales had begun. The guys were now considering going shopping… Historically, on Christmas Eve, the crowds gradually thin out, and you begin to notice...
“Tech Tools That Can Create More Interactive and Informative In-Store Navigation” by Sajid Mohamedy via Total Retail

“Tech Tools That Can Create More Interactive and Informative In-Store Navigation” by Sajid Mohamedy via Total Retail

Credit: Getty Images by Busakorn Pongparnit If you were to sit and watch a video of your customers browsing your store, you would undoubtedly see a mix of those who know exactly what they want and can intuitively find it, combined with a sea of shoppers baffled by the...